Presentation Information

Every student will be the presenter for a small number of papers (1-3 depending on the number of students). When you are the presenter for a paper, you should go beyond providing a summary for the paper, since everyone in class has already read the paper and some have written reviews for it. Explain the necessary background material, put the paper in its proper context with respect to related work, highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the paper, bring up questions, and in general aim to create the environment for a lively discussion of the paper. We will spend one hour on each paper. The presentation should be 20-30 minutes, and the balance of the hour will be spent on discussion. When you are the presenter, prepare slides for your presentation and send them to me in PDF or PowerPoint the day before your presentation. I will post these slides on the class web page. When you are the presenter, you do not need to review any papers that week, but you are still expected to read the other papers being discussed.

All students (not just the presenter) should participate in the discussion of the paper. This will count towards part of your mark for the course. Come prepared with some questions, comments, examples, objections, suggestions, or anything else that will enrich the discussion.